Tuesday, March 13, 2007


The ultimate in over-hopeful exercises..... I have stabbed an avocado pip with corn on the cob holders to suspend it in water and grow an avocado plant. The plant, even in 5 years, will apparently never yield any avocados, but they do make glossy-leaved house plants. And, I can say that I grew it myself. Mango tree next.... tomorrow, the world!!!

Here's how to grow an avocado
And a pineapple
And a mango tree


Me said...

Tried this last year... apparently you have to remove the papery layer first, although I am not convinced: neither of the two avocado stones we tried it with did anything. :-(

purplefiona said...

Yup.... mine looks, erm, wet. But I've seen pictures!! pictures, i say, with them growing roots and EVERYTHING. Chiz.

purplefiona said...

I peeled the papery layer off. It looks like it could be growing... but I have a very fertile imagination :)

purplefiona said...

The mango is growing. Roots, anyway. At least, it was when I pulled it out of the pot to check!! I hope I haven't killed it. The top of it is mouldy. The avocado pip remains determinedly shoot- and root-free. Pineapple next!