Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tagged! its a meme!

I've been tagged to write "5 things that you didn't know about me" (by badger that)!!!! Its a LOT harder than it looks. And, reading through, it seems to be some sort of modern confessional. Bizarre.

1. I used to be an operator for a "text date" service which would send smutty texts to men for £1.50 a time. I sat at a computer entering whatever came into my head. Every 10 seconds a different "profile" would appear and a conversation, similar in style to msn. I would read the profile bar and pretend to be "Tracey" or whoever, send a text, to "Derek" or whoever, then onto the next one. Its amazing what people will pay for. Theres a lot of lonely people out there.

2. At a festival a few years ago (ahem) I found my ex fiancees tent and took out all the pegs and hid them beneath some poor innocent's car. I'm not proud. But it felt good!

3. As an April Fools joke I once persuaded the form teacher at school to anounce that there was going to be an audition for Dr Who in one of the classrooms at lunchtime. About 4 people turned up. I was called mean. Probably, I was.

4. At College, I embarrassed myself on Induction Day by standing up in front of the class and presenting my personal project (it was an Art College). My project in part, was all about the different colours that numbers have, and their personalities. I asked the students what colour Wednesday was, and was greeted by a stony silence. I was 19. It was only after a sympathetic student approached me with a video of Horizon's "Orange Sherbet Kisses" that I found out I was Synaesthetic. I had thought that everyone saw the world in the same colours that I do. They don't.

5. When I was young I always wanted to be a princess with long blonde hair that trailed on the ground when I walked and a pointy silver hat.


purplefiona said...

I ought to add- having read the wikipedia entry on synaethesia- that I have never knowingly taken any psychedelic drugs :) I simply perceive numbers, letters, and days of the week as coloured. And no, it doesn't match up with cuisinaire stick colours :)

Me said...

Ooh... sudden flashback! I remember the Doctor Who? one. It's not mean on April Fool's Day. There are much meaner things than that.

Badger said...

Wednesday is Blue. Of course.

Monday - Red
Tuesay - Green
Wednesday - Blue
Thursday - Purple/Pink
Friday - Brown
Saturday - White
Sunday - also white.

Your telling me not everyone sees the days as colours??


purplefiona said...

OMG! Another one. Wednesday is RED I tell you. A kind of scarlet red, not a crimson red like Monday is. Weekend days are hard to colour aren't they? My saturdays and sundays are kind of golden yellow and silver, but very pale. Not everyone does, no. Sad isn't it?

purplefiona said...

Claire.... weird isn't it?? I wonder what I'll do THIS April..... >:)

Sweet Camden Lass said...

Wednesday is green.

Unless I'm trying to look at a whole week at once, in which case the weekdays are orange, and the weekends are espy gold.

They're all rectangular, though.
And it's terribly dependent on mood.