Thursday, August 10, 2006

unsafe festivals and broken ankles

I can't believe what's happened to My Sidmouth.

I've been going to the festival since I was 18, stewarding often, and I've never seen it like this. It's a massive festival in it's infancy, a strange and difficult thing to have to run, but I really don't think it's rocket science to print out a few passes in advance, or to write a stewarding training manual. It was only ever a few paragraphs long anyway. Thing is, I'm not at all sure that next year will be any different, and I suppose what I want to ask myself is... do I really want to be involved in such a complete mess?

This me and Cath. She broke her ankle on the first night and I had my first ever ride in an ambulance with her to Exeter hospital. An Heroic Adventure for me and a rather large shock for her. Here she is with her new flouro pink cast on!


Anonymous said...

Hi there,how is your friends foot doing?I also broke my foot and stuck in a cast,really sucks.I am from new york byt he way,David.

purplefiona said...

Y'know what, I don't know how she is right now....David-from-New-York-By-The-Way! Because I left her MY email address but didn't take hers. But she gave me a card. And some fudge. Best thing about being in a cast is the sheer amount of tea that gets made for you. :)

purplefiona said...
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