Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Things I'm good at; who am I?

What job does the person below have? (this is not a trick question)(unfortunately)

Things I'm good at

Comforting people
Staying calm in a crisis
Making Flapjack
Selling luxury goods
Threading beads
Thinking up entrepreneurial schemes
Smiling in the face of disaster
Creating something from nothing
Looking better than I feel
Sitting with silence
Matching up colours
Shopping for the exact right thing
Personal shopping
Trend spotting
Bargain hunting
Doing make-up
Reading ingredients of everything
Making up new buzz words
Posing for photographs
Appearing glamorous
Appearing efficient
Smelling nice
Cleaning the kitchen
Showing enthusiasm
Attention to minute physical detail
Remembering great detail
Looking youthful
Telling the truth

Things I'm not good at
Looking conservative
Filling in forms
Saving money
Sticking with relationships
Resisting another beer
Boring jobs
Getting up very early
Resisting a bargain
Taking my vitamins every day
Resisting another kiss

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